Ken Haduch

Dear Kitty – I just wanted to send a note to say hello, and tell you how much I enjoy and love your CDs. My sister has given three of them to me – the “Sacred Arias” (which I just listened to here at work), the “Miracle of Love Rosary” (which I use in the car on my way to work at least once a day, most often twice a day) and she gave me “O Holy Night” for Christmas this year. I first pointed her in your direction when your song “You Are Mine” was posted in the EWTN Jukebox on their website a while ago. Since then, she has been keeping my CD collection pretty much up-to-date with your recordings. They are so wonderful, your musical selections are very moving, and your voice is heavenly! I hope that you have another project in the works, and I’ll be looking forward to hearing it, I’m sure! Thanks so much for sharing your love of God and your talent with us, With love in Jesus Christ, Ken Haduch