
Dear Kitty,

         I have been so moved and touched by your music and voice.  I first heard you on Catholic TV.  They play some of your music after the Holy Rosary in the early mornings.  I finally caught the credits and downloaded some of your music from itunes.  I listen to it everyday.  I have never heard your story or your testimony, although I just ordered your Divine Mercy CD.  There is a song that has really spoken to me-"Let the Healing Begin."  Did you write this song?  We have two adopted children,  one is 17 and the other 13.  Our older son "Brock" (the 17 year old,) is truggling with many issues in his life right now.  He is such a beautiful gift-handsome, smart, funny and a real hero for the underdog.  The last year has been a very difficult time and he went on a terrible downward spiral involving  suicide attempts, drugs, alcohol, and rebellion against us.  We made a decision to send him to a Catholic Youth Ranch in Wyoming for "at risk" young men.  I find your song a special prayer for him.  Please pray for him, he is my treasured child.  Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.     

                                                                             In His Love,     Judy

                                                                            (Baton Rouge)