Janet Sarsfield

Kitty: I just received your 3 CD’s that I ordered and have played them all through. How incredibly beautiful. I am also a singer for the Lord and Music Director at my Catholic Church. I have taught voice for many years; and yours is one of the most beautiful, free, anointed voices I have ever heard. I loved your testimony. I loved the witness about the gift of tongues and have had similar experiences. The “Press On” song brought many pears as my husband and I hosted a home prayer meeting for several years and this was our closing song each week. How he loved it. He went to be with the Lord on July 7, 2003. I had that song sung at his funeral. Two weeks after his funeral, I went to a Defending The Faith Conference at Steubenville. At the final Mass, I was talking to the Lord and asked Him to show me somehow that Brian was there with us. Just as I finished the prayer, Jim Cowan started playing and singing PRESS ON. Thank you for your wonderful ministry and for saying YES.