
Kitty, I saw you on TV last year when I just happened to turn to EWTN. I heard you sing “Surrender” and knew I wanted to hear more. I have been through great loss, great rejection, and had found God to be all that I need, so thank you for the music. The new album goes even deeper into the journey of trust. It is great. I have to ask you, is it the same Melinda Doolittle on your album as on American Idol? The name rang a bell when I read it on the cd. She was the best singer last week on the show. I am so happy for her. I hope she is a friend of yours! Kitty, don’t stop glorifying, it brings so much to so many. What I like is that you help us to embrace our journey as Jesus embraced His. Then we will see HIm work in our life, as He saw the Father work in His life. FYI, I am not a Catholic, just open to all that embrace my Lord as their Lord.