Dear Kitty & Ceci, I was overjoyed to receive the most beautiful matted “Our Lady of Good Counsel” print, and the treasured baby blue sacrifice bracelet. What made everything more special (if that’s possible), is the gift of your “The Miracle of Divine Mercy” and “Be Not Afraid” CDs that arrived at the same time from my sister, Patti Dobrowolski. I had been praying the rosary alone, so my sister encouraged me to pray with you and Ceci instead. I have to admit, I don’t pray with you live, but I’m working on it. My son always reminds me to light the candle on my prayer table. He is in his late 20’s and cognitively delayed. I laughed yesterday when he was pointing at the tv and I realized one of your votives had gone out. It didn’t get by his notice. Thank you two for the joy and peace you bring with The Rosary.