Diana de Santis

I heard you on EWTN several times and had purchased several of your CDs, which I enjoy very much. About 4 years ago, I attended the Divine Mercy vigil Mass in Stockbridge, MA, and heard you sing “In the Breaking of the Bread”! It was the first Mass I attended where the attendees could not contain themselves and unanimously burst out into applause!
The next day’s Mass was televised, so I was able to record the song. Sorry to say, I no longer have the recording on my DVR, and would love to purchase it. I still remember how you sang the Alleluias, which was the most incredible part of the song. Hopefully, you have made a recording of the song, probably along with others. Please let me know, as I miss hearing your Alleluias! [Yes! it is on The Miracle of Divine Mercy” CD].

Also, I just came across your website and read your message about Our Mother of Good Counsel image. I visited Genazzano, Italy in 1987 and was privileged to pray in front of the original. It is a continuous miracle in that it still remains unattached to the wall! The custodian priest took a meter stick which he waved behind the image to prove it remains away from the wall. I have a wonderful book by Joao S. Cla’ Dias, “The Mother of Good Counsel of Genazzano”, which gives a complete and amazing history of the miraculous image. Under this title over the centuries, many have attained victory, especially against the Muslim onslaught of Europe. The book records 161 healing miracles of all sorts in 101 days time, with many more to this day.
God bless you, your voice and your good efforts to evangelize!