Debbie Dillow

Hi Kitty – It was by the grace of the Holy Spirit that I found your music. I was in Reno conducting a training seminar and had some time on my hands before my flight left to come back to Indianapolis. I thought I would drive to Lake Tahoe and see the beautiful sites there, but something drew me to Virginia City. As I was coming into Virginia City I saw the steeple of an old church and knew I wanted to see this church. It was St. Mary’s in the Mountains Catholic Church – the oldest Catholic Church in Nevada. Inside this beautiful church is a small gift shop run by some very beautiful and spiritual ladies. Your music was playing in the background and was so beautiful that I asked what CD was playing – they told me it was yours and gave me your web address. I could feel the presence of Mary in this historic church and your music was soothing as it played in the background while I prayed. I came home and went to your website and read your story. How wonderful! You are truly blessed by God and I am thankful to be able to listen to your beautiful voice. I will be sharing your music with my sisters in Christ when we have our monthly Coffee with Christ discussion at my house. I will pass along your website for ordering so more people can purchase your music. Thank you for sharing your gift! May God continue to bless you and your family!