Dear Kitty,
My wife and I met you a few years ago. Still have a picture we took with you. I am on a men's Catholic ACTS retreat team for a retreat in Mystic, CT June 2-5th and I am giving one of the main talks called Adoration. I would like very much to play "Now You Come to Me" at the very end of my half hour talk, as I think the words and deep sincerity of your voice will help the men in their understanding that Jesus will come to them.
I would like to give the men the lyrics on paper to read along as they listen but can't find them anywhere.
Thank you. God bless.
David Craig,
Dear David,
Thanks for your note! I'll email the lyrics to you. My favorite song about the Eucharist is called "In the Breaking of the Bread," and it's on my CD The Miracle of Divine Mercy. You can listen to it and watch a video someone put together on my website homepage. It’s also on youtube, so if you have access to the internet, you could play it for them. I’ll attach the lyrics to that song, as well.
God bless you and the men on your retreat!
Kitty Cleveland