Connie Heaps

Thanks and God bless you for fallowing His call and coming to Phoenix to share your testimony and music. My sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and I all were there. Following is how you have touched us in a special way. My Thanksgiving was a blessed day as I hope yours was. Mine was spent with a family that was very grateful that my sister-in-law came through a bought of cancer (prayerfully) OK. I had bought her your Rosary CD and she and her 5 yr old daughter say it with you on the way to school. My sister-in-law has a great faith and said the CD has meant a lot to her and helped her be consistent at saying the Rosary for her brother. I also know that it has helped her through the challenge of cancer at such a young age. My mother-in-law’s birthday is Christmas day and I know she will feel blessed to add this CD to the other one she bought from you. Your music has been very uplifting to us all. Your Rosary CD is a great tool when I cannot sleep. We all enjoyed your testimony and music very much. I bought the tape of your story and will be glad when you have a CD that has the song from the tape on it (God Will Provide). Think of all the people you touch and never know in how many ways. So I hope in turn it has blessed you just a bit to know the lives you tough for the love of the Master and the following of His call.