Dear Kitty, WOW, what a treat last Sunday!! As our priest read the Gospel (Luke 24: 13-35), my daughter Nicole, kept tapping me as he read. Finally, I turned to her and was about to give her a disappointed look….but before I could, she excitedly said “THIS IS THE READING FROM KITTY’S SONG…”THE BREAKING OF THE BREAD” THAT SHE SANG ON EASTER!!!!” I replayed the song in my head and sure enough we were reminded of your beautiful voice and the wonderful visit to our parish. Kitty, thank you again for the being our speaker at the Good Friday Prayer Breakfast we hosted. You were the perfect speaker and guest! Our parish has had nothing but glowing words of praise from all who attended. Your testimony was given with such love and grace that it draws people in. I know that in times of doubt or pain, people will remember your words and they will be a help to them! God bless you and your beautiful family! Cathy