Sweet Kitty…I’m a bit behind in my reading, as I’ve just gotten around to listening to your week 4 Pray More Novenas Advent Retreat. I was touched beyond reason and let the tears flow as you recounted your visit to the cottage in the woods. It was so beautiful!! I’ve always had a special place in my heart for Mary….and Joseph. My last prayer each and every night is the MEMORARE…I learned it as a child and never thought that at 75 years old, it would STILL be in my mind!! I lost my beloved spouse almost 19 months ago, as the result of a motorcycle accident. We were teenage sweethearts and walked side by side for almost 60 years. The pain experienced by not being at his side when he got his Eternal Wings….because of Covid restrictions…haunted me and kept me broken. My strong faith and my Cajun resilience have helped me walk this horrendous Grief Journey, along with beautiful words from speakers such as yourself. Thank you seems just not enough…you are SO appreciated…your guidance and sincerity reach deep down…..Continue on your path, Sweet Kitty!!