Kitty, Your dad’s story is so powerful. Your music is magnificant and it tuches my heart deeply. I will be publishing your name among my friends. I hope I can come to one of your engagements to see you personally. Meanwhile I will have to go shopping on your site. On Saturaday I will be giving a talk about the Love of the Father at a conference… I’d like to share a little about your father…because our earthly fathers play such an important role in our idea of God. What a beautiful mirror he must have been for you. I’m sure he is so present in all your songs and your talks as well. I have stories about the special consolation and comfort that the Holy Spirit gave me after losing my mom, my dad and my mother-in-law. One thing he told me before Mom died was. “You will never lose connection with your mom–because she is in me and your are in me…” May God’s comfort bring you new music to comfort your soul and to add beauty and comfort to the Body of Christ.