[Written to Kitty’s mother] Several weeks ago I received a CD in the mail as a gift: “Be Not Afraid” by Kitty Cleveland. “In memory of my father and hero, Carl W. Cleveland. October 7, 1942 – July 21, 2006. All is well, Dad. All is well.” Powerful, is the only word that I can conjure up to communicate my feelings and thoughts. Typically, I am not real fond of Kitty’s style of singing. That’s not to say that every now and then a track of music like hers doesn’t capture my musical mind that loves music and nurtures my soul. I wrote the title, credits and dedication above, because all of it ……… well, it just stopped my spirituality in its tracks and I think it marked the beginning of my return to rebuilding my lost Catholic journey. I hope I am being appropriate and not causing you any pain. There is so much to discuss about this journey. I can’t do that now. Maybe I’ll go on a retreat and seek help there. Anyway, the CD is AWESOME. I have it in my car and listen to it periodically when I am meditating deeply. I just LOVE it. Kitty has such a wonderful voice and she so beautiful. I know all of your family must be as beautiful as she is. What great gifts God gave you and Carl.