Dear Kitty, Words fail me. First off, we got your CDs and love them! They are beautiful. Music was a huge part of both of our lives as protestants, and finding quality Catholic CD music has been an unexpected challenge. My husband actually got teary listening to the first CD because, in his words, it was “real” music. The plan was to use your Marian CD for nighttime, but we asked the girls what they wanted. They chose the children’s rosary CD. We put it in, and they were so happy that they said no to a bedtime story so they could listen! We’ve dealt with significant bedtime and sleep struggles with our three-year-old. This night, she happily stayed in her bed and actually slept the whole night through! In the morning, we found her happily looking at her books, looking more peaceful and rested than usual. While making breakfast, she came and told me she wanted to be a saint. We talked, and while I’m not sure exactly what happened, it became super evident that she’d had a dream or some experience during the night revolving around Heaven and Mary and saints. She was misty-eyed talking about it, and her demeanor was very different. It’s been a few months now since we got your CDs. The three-year-old can now go to bed and actually go to sleep! Many nights she will actually make it through the night too! The shift came with the rosary during the night. Thank you so much. You have touched our lives in a profound way. Blessings on you and your ministry. Amanda Damon