Exciting new partnership!

Eight years ago today, little Cecilia and I debuted “The Miracle of Life Rosary for Children” at the CMN Conference. What a joy that was! Her little voice singing and praying—as well as the other adorable kids—to Joe Hand’s wonderful arrangements and production made for a very special recording.

And now I’m thrilled to announce that we recently partnered with www.formed.org to stream the CD for free to anyone with a membership through their church parish. In just two months, it’s already been listened to for 20,000+ minutes! We’re totally humbled by that and so thrilled with the good work being done by the Augustine Institute and www.formed.org.  Please share the good news with any of your mom friends and Facebook groups! :)  

One Comment

  1. What a wonderful way to involve the young children. I’m a catecism teacher and that would be a wonderful tool to get the kids saying the Rosary.

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