Live-stream our celebration on the Solemnity of the Assumption!

Dear Friends,

If you are not able to join us in person for the wonderful gathering at Our Lady of Hope on August 15, 2023, to celebrate the Assumption and the third anniversary of our Morning Glories rosary cenacle, we will once again make it possible for you to join us on YouTube via live stream, thanks to our Ceci. Ceci has agreed to spend her day at the computer so that you can participate, no matter where you are in the world!

Payment: Rather than charging a fee, we are humbly asking for tips to go towards Ceci’s college fund. She’s already set up a special savings account for this purpose. Any donations to the cause can be sent via:

  1. Venmo  (@Bosco330, last 4 digits of phone: 6758), or
  2. Check: Payable to Kitty Cleveland, PO Box 843, Madisonville, LA 70447 (with “Ceci” in the memo).

How to join: Please email Ceci (ceci @–without the spaces) and let her know that you’d like the private link, which she will send to you within a day or two before the event. Know that she will send you the link whether or not you have supported her efforts financially. Please pray for her either way as she discerns her path forward–your prayers are priceless!

Honor Your Loved Ones with Roses for the Solemnity of the Assumption








Dear Friends,

We will once again be honoring Our Lady and your loved ones with exquisite roses for our Mass on August 15, 2023, the Solemnity of the Assumption and the 3rd anniversary of our Morning Glories rosary cenacle. You can see part of the 2022 display in the photos below, as well as the large memorial plaque displayed near the altar with the names of your loved ones from last year.

Since my nonprofit, Sounds of Peace, is sponsoring this event, all of your donations are 100% tax-deductible! We are asking for a minimum donation of $25 per name to have your loved one’s name inscribed on the plaque, but all donations are welcome and appreciated.


  1. To donate online (preferred method): Please use our secure Givebutter portal, where you will have the opportunity to enter the names of your loved ones.
  2. To donate by check: Please make your check payable to Sounds of Peace. If you would like your loved one’s name on the Memorial Plaque, please indicate their name and status (living or deceased). Mail to Sounds of Peace, PO Box 843, Madisonville, LA 70447. If there’s a chance your check will not arrive before August 9, 2023, please contact me via the website Contact page with all of your details.

Roses for Our Lady, Feast of the Assumption 2022



Morning Glory trip to EWTN for Kitty’s taping

Dear Friends,

On Thursday, February 9, 2023, I will be taping at EWTN in Irondale, AL, an episode of Women of Grace with Johnnette Benkovic Williams in the mid-afternoon (time TBA). If you would like to attend the taping, please comment on this post with your name (I won’t publish it, but I will see it). We will have so much fun!

There are a number of opportunities for you to attend Mass, get a tour, etc., before the taping, and all information can be found here. You can also find a link to lodging in the area. If you would like to coordinate with other Morning Glories who want to go, I encourage you to reach out on our “Kitty’s Morning Glories” Facebook page and look for my post about it.

On Friday, February 10, 2023, there are a number of happenings at the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, AL, which is about an hour away. Check back here for more details later this week. In the meantime, you can visit their website.

Finally, on Saturday, February 11, 2023, you are invited to attend the conference in Hoover, AL, where I will be speaking with the delightful Emily Wilson.  The event is FREE, but you do need to register by emailing John Martignoni at (see flyer below for details). Can’t wait!


THURSDAY, Feb. 9th: EWTN visit and taping
The EWTN Religious Catalogue Gift Shoppe is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm.
7:00 AM – Daily televised Mass and Rosary. No reservations are needed to attend Mass. Just walk into the Chapel.
More room is available in St. Michael’s Hall, adjacent to the Chapel
11:00 AM – Confessions in St. Michael’s Hall, Monday-Saturday
12 NOON – Non-televised Mass, Monday-Friday
2:45 PM – Studio Tour of EWTN, Monday-Friday – No reservations needed – Starts at Gift Shop lobby
4:00 PM – Taping of Women of Grace with Johnnette and Kitty (30 mins)

5:00 PM – OPTION – to stay and watch taping of final show

5:45 PM — end of taping

8:30 AM TO 5:00 PM – Daily adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – The Chapel stays open until 10:00 pm for prayer
Everyone is welcome to walk around the Network’s building, see the satellite dishes, use picnic tables, etc.
FRIDAY, Feb. 10th: Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, AL
Dress Code
Please wear attire that covers the shoulders and pants or skirts/dresses below the knee while inside the churches. Temporary apparel is available at the Reception desk if needed. The Shrine is open from 6 am – 6 pm every day.
9:55 am – Park at the JPII Eucharistic Center.
10-11 am – Susie Stokes will give us a personal guided tour. (*she’s already scheduled us).
Optional activities you are free to do:
11:30 am – Rosary in the main church
12:00 pm – Mass in main church
Lunch will be provided to our group following Mass at the home of Celia Fernandez, a Guardian of the Faith Cenacle member, who will be inviting the other Cenacle members to join us. Details TBA.
You can also go downstairs into the lower church/crypt where Mother Angelica and the sisters are buried. You are free to sit quietly and have reflection time down there.
3:00 pm – Chaplet of Divine Mercy and confessions in the main church.
There are also other areas you can visit on site: a replica of the Lourdes grotto, a picnic area near the Pieta/ memorial site for aborted or miscarried babies, a replica of the Nativity, and the castle/gift shop. Confessions are also available at 8 am. All information can be found on their website:
If you would like to connect with other Morning Glories to caravan, make hotel arrangements, etc., please comment below. It’s going to be such a fun trip! I’ll pin this post to the top of the page so you can find it easily.
SATURDAY, Feb., 11th: Women’s Conference with Emily Wilson (see photo for all details). 8:30 am – 12:00 pm. FREE, but registration is required.


New painting from Kitty: “Gate of Heaven“

Dear Friends, The final details of my latest painting—including morning glories, daylilies, and night-blooming jasmine—are now finished. Hooray! “Gate of Heaven” is available as an 8×10 signed and numbered, hand-finished canvas. You can purchase by sending $135 per canvas via Venmo Friends and Family (@Kitty-Cleveland), which saves us both a little money, or on Etsy: I am happy to put a special date on the back for you–just indicate in the comments. God bless you!

Mission of Mercy: The Amazing Results!

Dear Friends,

I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I was at your response to our Mission of Mercy to feed the poor, especially poor children. The total amount raised on the Givebutter platform and in private donations to me was $54,206.38! Incredible. After consulting with my Board of Directors, “Dr. Jane,” and learning of the needs of different ministries, we decided to distribute those funds in memory of our beloved Fr. Otis Young and Ruth Prats as follows, with the stipulation that we want the funds to be directed towards feeding children:

  • $1,000 to Sr. Teresa Berlin (Holy Family Hospitality Hermitage, Inc.): Sr. Teresa is a fixture in the Covington, LA, community, where she operates the Blue Stand in our poorest neighborhood. She simply feeds people and loves them, as she has done for years. This is especially meaningful since the killer of our beloved pastor, Fr. Otis Young, and our dear friend Ruth Prats, was from this neighborhood. It was a concrete way to repay evil with good by donating to Sr. Teresa’s mission.
  • $4,000 to the St. Vincent de Paul Society (St. Peter, Covington, LA): The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides grocery vouchers and basic assistance in emergency situations to the area poor. They do home visits to build relationships, establish actual need, and help them grow in greater self-reliance.
  • $5,000 to Feeding the Needy: Feeding the Needy is an initiative of the Covington Rotary Club, which ensures that school children are fed while school cafeterias are closed for the long winter break at Christmastime. Every year on December 23 and 24, volunteers from all over the area come together to prepare Christmas boxes that include:  a 12-14 pound cooked turkey with 6 side dishes and dessert.  Each box has enough food to feed a family of four.  Larger families receive additional boxes. On Christmas morning, Rotarians and other community volunteers hand deliver the boxes to the homes of the identified families. Each family only needs to heat the food and it is ready to serve as a substantial Christmas Day meal and leave plenty of extra to help on the days leading up to school reopening.
  • $5,000 to the Northshore Food Bank: Northshore Food Bank provides food assistance to more than 300 individuals and families each week who live at or below the 130% federal poverty guidelines and have found themselves in need within our community. After qualifying for assistance, an individual can receive at least 40 lbs. of food once each month, and families can receive at least 70 lbs. of food each month. Depending on donations, recipients may also receive what they call a “lagniappe” box. A lagniappe box may be filled with breads, pastries, dairy products, fresh produce, or frozen foods.
  • $5,000 to Our Daily Bread: Our Daily Bread is a food bank in Hammond, LA, that has faithfully served the disadvantaged of Tangipahoa Parish since 1999. Their mission is to alleviate hunger and make an eternal impact by sharing kindness and compassion with everyone who is in need. They currently serve over 10,000 hot meals a month.
  • $5,000 to Our Friends Closet: Our Friends Closet provides much-needed items to homeless and low-income students in our community, including individually-wrapped snacks and meals for those students that do not have food available to them after school, on weekends, and during school breaks. They also provide personal hygiene products and other dignity items to students in need.
  • $5,000 to Restoration House: Restoration House Pregnancy Resource Center provides (among many other services to women in crisis pregnancies) diapers, wipes, formula, and clothing to mothers and families of children newborn to 5t. While the primary mission of Restoration House is to support women in crisis pregnancies, they also provide much-needed baby formula for women who need help feeding their babies after they are born.

That brings our total disbursements to $30,000. The remaining $24, 206.38 will be distributed in 2023 as we assess the most urgent food needs in the coming months. May God bless all of you who participated in this beautiful Mission of Mercy!

With joy and humble gratitude for your kindness,