
Gregorian chant: Miracle music?

Dear Kitty,

I would like to praise the Lord for your gift and your music.  I want to share a miracle experience.

Our family took our 28 year old son, John, to a shrine in Wisconsin, Our Lady of Good Help,* where we prayed for healing for him because he has been afflicted for thirteen years by a very severe psychiatric condition.   For the past four years, he has been tormented daily by voices that have screamed at him and called him names and told him the neighbors wanted to hurt him.  No medicine or treatment has been able to silence the voices.

On Sunday, the Feast of Corpus Christi and the thirtieth anniversary weekend of Our Lady, Queen of Peace’s apparitions in Medjugorje, we went to the shrine.  While we were there, just before 2:00 benediction, John lay down on a pew in the chapel.  Your music from the Sublime Chant CD was playing.  My husband, daughter and I went out to say a rosary on the grounds.  A few minutes later, John came out and said that he had been healed.  He said that he heard beautiful music and experienced a feeling of warmth flowing through his body and especially through his brain.  He knew he was being healed.

It is now three days later and the voices have been silenced.  He has not had racing thoughts or extreme anxieties.  He has your chant CD and plays it before he goes to sleep at night.

May God be praised for your gift and for your response to Him who called you into this ministry.


*Note from Kitty:  Our Lady of Good Help has been declared by the local bishop to be the site of an authentic Marian apparition worthy of belief, the first such site in the U.S. to date.



THE NEW CD IS ON ITS WAY!  At left is my beautiful daughter, the demi-diva, recording her first CD with me, The Miracle of Life Rosary for Children.  She is such a natural!! And producer Joe Hand (who also produced my Be Not Afraid CD) has once again exceeded my expectations.

Cecilia and I will be releasing the CD at the Catholic Marketing Network convention in Valley Forge, PA the first week of August.  I”ll be posting sound clips soon and will be taking preorders, as well.  I can’t wait for you to hear it!

With joy,

Kitty Cleveland


Summer Concert Tour 2011


May 17, 2011:  Things are moving along beautifully for our first annual summer tour!  If you are near any of the following cities and would like me to come to your church to do a concert, please let us know ASAP.  In many cases there will be no cost to the parish at all.  As of today, we have concerts confirmed or in the planning stages for the following cities and states:

TEXAS: Colleyville, Flower Mound, Houston, Austin, San Antonio

LOUISIANA:  New Iberia, Baton Rouge

MISSISSIPPI:  Jackson, Clarksdale

TENNESSEE:  Nashville

GEORGIA:  Atlanta



Happy Easter!  Alleluia!  “O death! When is your victory? O death! Where is your sting!’”

If you don’t have plans for Divine Mercy Sunday, May 1st, I’ll be back at St. Joseph Church on Tulane Ave. in New Orleans, LA.  This is also the day that John Paul II will be beatified!  Confessions start at 1 pm, Benediction and the rosary at 2 pm, the chaplet at 2:30 pm, and Mass at 3 pm.  And, of course, we’ll do “In the Breaking of the Bread” at Communion–my favorite musical moment of the year.  If you’re not familiar with this inspired song written by Michael Ward, click on the Blog link above.  You can watch a video someone put together to that song from The Miracle of Divine Mercy CD.

Finally, the SUMMER TOUR is taking shape quickly.  Are you in or near one of the following cities?  If so, please send us a note to see if we can work in a stop at your home parish!

LOUISIANA:  Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Opelousas, Lake Charles, Shreveport;

TEXAS:  Beaumont, Houston,  San Antonio, Austin, Dallas

MISSISSIPPI:  Jackson, Natchez, the Gulf Coast

GEORGIA:  Atlanta

TENNESSEE:  Memphis, Nashville


For years now people been asking me for a children’s CD, and it’s on its way!  Thanks to a special request from CCC of America (creator and distributor of several animated children’s DVD’s) the first children’s CD will be The Miracle of Life Rosary for Children.  CCC has already obtained a booth at the CMN Convention this August for my daughter and I to sing and interact with the kids, and I know it will be a blast!  I also just got confirmation that Joe Hand, my talented producer on the Be Not Afraid CD, will also be producing this new children’s CD with me.

To date I’ve already received a $5,000 donation to realize this dream, but I am still in need of another $5,000 – $10,000 to finish it.  Perhaps you would like to help sponsor it!  Is there someone special you would like to honor or celebrate?  Please consider becoming one of my Angel Sponsors, and you can dedicate a song—or even the entire CD—to someone you love! Just click on the contact form above, and I’ll be happy to send you more information. 

The only way I have been able to continue making music these last 11 years is by your generous donations and sponsorships, and I thank God for your tremendous support and confidence.

Please stay tuned for more details as they develop, as well as news about a children’s lullaby CD also in the works.  And if you have any special requests for music that you’d like me to consider, please send me a note—I’m listening!


Reflections on Love

This picture is hard for me to contemplate, but not as hard as it used to be.  What follows below is the answer to a question I once posed to the Lord when doing the 8-day silent Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.  We were supposed to be meditating on the Passion, but I just couldn’t stay with it.  I asked, “Lord, WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?”  This is what I heard in the depths of my heart.  I hope it speaks to your heart, as well.

August 23, 2003, 6:45 p.m.

“My little lamb, the purpose of you meditating on my Passion is not to instill guilt in you.  It is for you to understand what lengths I was willing to go for love of you.  You’ve heard this many times before, but you’ve never fully grasped it.  The cross should first of all instill joy in you, because that is how much I love you!  No sacrifice was too great for me to have the possibility of having you with me forever in heaven.
“Once you grasp that love, once you really know me and know what I’m all about, then you might be led to compunction of heart.  But you were trying to go from guilt to love, and the heart just doesn’t work that way.  So doing your examination of conscience, going to confession — it’s always been a stumbling block for you because you were experiencing the shame of your sins without the foundation of my love to sustain you.

“You need to know that I would never do anything to hurt you.  I may allow you to experience the pain of the lance so that the deeper sickness and pain can be cured, and sometimes others may hurt you, but I always long to console you and to hold you close to my heart.  I never will the actual pain.  In allowing Lazarus to die I wasn’t indifferent to his suffering and to the suffering of his family.  It broke my heart!  How much I wanted to heal him!  But I knew that his death was necessary for them to know the redemptive power I offer and for many, many souls to be saved.  Knowing what they know now, Lazarus would have died 1,000 deaths for the consolation he has in heaven over the fruit borne from that sacrifice.
“You will not always understand the suffering in your life, but know that I will never leave you, forsake you, or trick you.  You are my beloved.  The cross is simply a reminder of my love, which will follow you wherever you go, whatever you do.  My love is real, it’s personal, it’s passionate, and it’s forever.”


Thanks so all who came out for the Holy Hour Concert on April 18, 2011 at Our Lady of the Lake Church in Mandeville, LA.  Who would have imagined that we would have SRO on a Monday night?!  I look forward to doing more of these during Lent, as the music and meditations are having a powerful impact on people.


Thorn in the Flesh

FAITHWALK, JULY 2005, by Carl W. Cleveland
“An Ominous but Reassuring Scripture Passage”

Just before my federal court trial was set to begin in 1997, I attended my daughter’s graduation from Franciscan University with a master’s degree in theology. At a post-graduation lunch I was approached by an old and faith-filled friend to pray about my upcoming ordeal.  She said that a relatively obscure bible passage had come to mind, and she felt constrained to share it with me.  The passage was 2 Cor. 12, 1-10.

I was at first mystified about the relevance of this passage to my life.  It spoke passionately of St. Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” that tormented him and caused him to question how a loving and merciful God could let this suffering come to him.  The passage goes on to give Paul’s explanation that he learned through many difficult experiences:  It is in our suffering that God is glorified, and we experience God in palpably real ways.  If we persevere in faith, we eventually triumph, and during our struggles, God is always close at hand.  He showers us with the graces necessary to muddle through and sends his inexplicable peace to us as we struggle.

I have had a similar learning curve to St. Paul’s.  This passage was profoundly prophetic of my personal ordeal.  My thorn in the flesh was to be prosecuted and convicted wrongly of nonexistent federal crimes. My life was totally shattered in every way.  I didn’t know how my wife and children would survive on a day-to-day basis, and I was sentenced to over ten years in prison.

After the passage from Corinthians was first given to me I read and reread it many times searching for reassurance.  I had no clue to its meaning at first, but it kept reappearing.  It was the reading at Mass on the day my trial started. A long-time priest friend sent the passage to me in the first letter I received in prison, when I was in total despair.  Over time, I began to understand that I was called to surrender my life and ambitions totally to God and to accept in faith that my ordeal would serve a greater good.

Instantly upon my surrender, an overwhelming sense of peace enwrapped me and never left during two and a half years of daily hell in prison. Paul’s experience led me to understand that our greatest power as human beings comes during our times of greatest suffering and powerlessness to control our own lives.  But that’s not all.  Eventually, great joy returns to the lives of the faithful.

As you may know, the United States Supreme Court unanimously reversed my conviction in the record short time of 28 days after the hearing, and they ordered my assets restored.  My first public appearance after my release was at a huge Baptist church in Atlanta that had prayed for my release and wrote to me weekly in prison. As I waited to give my witness to a huge crowd, I went to Mass nearby, and the sermon was on the meaning of 2 Cor. 12: 1-10.  Surely, this was no coincidence.  This special passage promises eventual triumph to those who suffer and abundant graces while the ordeal is ongoing.

I have written at length about these extraordinary experiences many times in the past.  Last week my daughter called to say that on Saturday the scripture readings included the now familiar 2 Cor. 12, 1-10.  This news sent a chill up my spine because I had just learned that morning that my bone cancer, which had been in remission for quite some time, has apparently reappeared in lesions in my ribs and spine.  Based on past experience, I am in for a difficult time.

As I brace myself for more rounds of radiation therapy and chemotherapy, I am confident of several things:  Our loving God will be very close to me in the days ahead.  The consolation of his Holy Spirit will bring me inexplicable peace if I can cheerfully surrender to His will without whining or complaint.  No matter what comes, if I can faithfully do my part, this chapter of my life will end in triumph in one way or another.

I have to admit that at first I was disturbed by the bad news. I feel vibrantly healthy, and my life has been so blessed since my return home from prison and unprecedented survival of my original cancer two years ago.  One thought that ran through my consciousness was that it might be time to give up writing this column.  Then I reconsidered because I may be living lessons that can be of help to others who face death and difficulty, if I can candidly share my journey with you as events unfold.  I will give it my best shot, hoping that my experience can be of help to others.

As St. Paul observed, it is in our powerlessness and suffering that our greatest power is achieved.

Note from Kitty:  On Monday, June 20, 2005 we learned that the cancer has also spread to his hip.  The radiologist has given him 18-36 months to live, assuming aggressive radiation and chemotherapy.  Also, if you are interested in the story of his whole ordeal, it is in the book Amazing Grace for Those Who Suffer, edited by Jeff Cavins and Matt Pinto.  My dad’s experience also inspired the song “Surrender” on my first CD.

Follow-up from Kitty: On July 8th, 2006, my dad came home from the hospital to die in Hospice care.  A friend who had just come from the vigil Mass said that the reading made her think of him: 2 Cor. 12: 1-10.  He died 13 days later, July 21, 2006, but only after a couple of amazing miracles.  For the full story, you can order my new CD from Lighthouse Catholic Media, God Will Provide, which includes my 2008 testimony and nine songs. God is so amazing!

About Kitty

Mission Statement

Jazz CD back cover, low res photoMy primary mission as a daughter of God is to faithfully provide for the care and feeding of my husband, Mel, and my daughter, Cecilia. They are my life and my joy!

Second to that is my mission as a lay Catholic evangelist—a calling that has often surprised and delighted me. I give thanks to God for waking me up to his call, and I look forward to the continuing unfolding of this great adventure with Him.

If I had to boil down the essence of what I feel called to do, it is to encourage people—whether through music, storytelling, or teaching from the great Catholic spiritual writers and my own life experience. Tears and laughter from the audience–and me–are not uncommon, and I consider them to be a true gift of the Holy Spirit. These audiences have ranged from women’s prayer breakfasts to leadership groups to family conferences.

My heart burns with a desire to share the riches of our Catholic faith, especially to lapsed or lukewarm Catholics. I submit myself to the teaching authority of the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church in matters of faith and morals, and I delight in her guidance.

Favorite topics include:

  • God’s Grace Is Enough (similar to my Lighthouse CD, God Will Provide)
  • Mirror, Mirror: Seeing Myself As God Sees Me (for women)
  • Deus Providebit: Trusting in God’s Divine Providence
  • Mary at My Door: How to take Mary into your heart and into your home
  • The Habit of Prayer: Making time for God
  • Peace I Leave with You: Receiving the gift that only Christ can give
  • Divine Mercy: A message for our times
  • Life in the Holy Spirit: Fire Within

I also enjoy being given particular topics to research and prepare, as well as being commissioned to write songs from particular quotes or themes.

By virtue of my baptism, I have been called to become an evangelist in a world where despair, godlessness, and violence cry out for a remedy. My job is to rally the troops and encourage them to do join me in this mission to bring the Good News to the ends of the earth, starting in our own hearts, homes, and parishes.

In Christ, our Hope,

Kitty Cleveland


Kitty Cleveland, a singer/songwriter and inspirational speaker from New Orleans, began her professional career as a lawyer and then as a college professor.  But in an adoration chapel one day in 1998, as she searched for God during a devastating family crisis, she clearly heard the Lord Jesus call her to become a “music missionary.”

Kitty heeded the call and has since released 12 CDs of music and prayer, including two CDs with Lighthouse Catholic Media.  Her latest CD, Hail, Holy Queen, was the first of her CD’s to climb the secular Billboard chart.  She has appeared numerous times on television, on the radio, in concert, and as a keynote speaker both at home and abroad.

Kitty lives in the New Orleans area with her musician husband and teen daughter, whom they adopted from China in 2005.  In addition to praying with people for healing and encouragement, she enjoys cooking, gardening, oil painting, and is currently working on her first book about her father’s unjust imprisonment and dramatic release by the U.S. Supreme Court.

What Others Are Saying

“Kitty’s love for the Lord and for her Catholic faith was palpable, and she left us all uplifted and encouraged with her message and music.  I wholeheartedly recommend Kitty Cleveland for your future event.”  Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, S.T.I, Archbishop of Denver

“Kitty shared her inspiring story and beautiful singing with endearing personality and delightful humor.  Many of the 500 women said afterward that she was their favorite Magnificat speaker of all time–out of 40 speakers! I heartily recommend her for any group.”   Kay Burkot, Magnificat of Pittsburgh, PA

“I have the privilege of counting Kitty Cleveland as one of my close friends, and for that I am most grateful. When I listen to her CDs I’m touched by her wellspring of talent, but even more, I’m moved knowing that her music is the result of God interacting with her in the valleys and the mountaintops of her life. She is real, she is deeply spiritual, and she has one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard.”  Jeff Cavins, Bible scholar and Catholic evangelist

“We are all still floating since your appearance at our Endow Gala! This week I have had more positive calls and emails than I can possibly handle. The humor, warmth, and love that came through in your talk had all 500 people in the room riveted.“  Terry Polakovic, Endow Co-Founder and Executive Director

Television and Radio Credits

Kitty is well-known to EWTN audiences, having appeared several times as a guest on Life on the Rock with Jeff Cavins, on Backstage, and more recently as a guest of Johnnette Benkovic on Women of Grace during Christmas week.  She also appeared on EWTN live from the National Shrine of Divine Mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday, where she shared her family’s miracle story.

Kitty has appeared multiple times on Catholic TV of Boston and continues to receive both national and international radio airplay.

Past Engagements

  • Catholic Women’s Conferences (CA, GA, IA, LA, MN, MO, MT, PA, SC, TN)
  • Auckland Eucharistic Conference (Auckland, NZ)
  • Fullness of Truth Conference (Tyler, TX)
  • Midwest Family Conference (Wichita, KS)
  • San Francisco Catholic Charismatic Conference (San Francisco, CA)
  • Lighthouse Catholic Media Conference (Mundelein, IL)
  • Legatus dinners (FL, LA, WI)
  • Prayer breakfasts and retreats (CA, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MO, MS, NC, NJ, OH, PA, SC, TX)
  • Marian conferences (AZ, CA, LA)
  • Keynotes at gala fundraisers (CO, DC, GA, LA, NY)
  • Over 50 prayer concerts in Catholic parishes (throughout North America and in Europe)


  • Hail, Holy Queen: Billboard-charting CD devoted to Our Lady of Fatima for the 100th anniversary (2017)
  • Blue Skies: A collection of jazz standards with some of New Orleans’ greatest musicians, including Summertime, My Funny Valentine, Someone to Watch over Me, and many other well-loved classics (2014).
  • Lighthouse–The Miracle of Divine Mercy: 2013 release by Lighthouse Catholic Media of Kitty’s Divine Mercy chaplet with a sample of her Divine Mercy testimony.
  • The Miracle of Life Rosary for Children: Upbeat, life-affirming music and meditations written by Kitty specifically for a young audience, with all of the prayers led by kids.  Kitty’s daughter, Cecilia (age 7), also sings with her to music arranged by Joe Hand (2-CD, 2011).
  • Lighthouse–God Will Provide: 2010 release by Lighthouse Catholic Media includes Kitty’s testimony plus nine songs from her previous collections.
  • Sublime Chant: The Scotland Project: An ambitious recording of 17 Gregorian chants recorded in a 12th-century Scottish cathedral (2008).
  • Be Not Afraid: Best-selling CD with 12 songs of hope and consolation. Winner of Unity Award for “Devotional Album of the Year” (2006)
  • The Miracle of Divine Mercy: Original sung Divine Mercy chaplet with a children’s choir, plus two inspiring songs and Kitty’s Divine Mercy miracle testimony (2004).
  • O Holy Night: Well-loved Christmas songs with a Celtic flair (2003).
  • The Miracle of Love Rosary: International best-seller featuring music and meditations on the sanctity of life, including the Luminous Mysteries. Recorded with Fr. Robert Cavalier (2002).
  • Sacred Arias: Twelve classics with a chamber orchestra.  Final Unity Award® nominee for “Devotional Album of the Year” (2001).
  • Surrender: Collection of popular liturgical songs, plus two originals.  Winner of Unity Award® for “Sacramental Album of the Year” (2000, 2007 remix).

To read what others have had to say about Kitty, please check out the Guestbook. For bookings, please call Connie at (504) 202-6029 or send us an email. (Updated January 2018)
